Christmas Excitement!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I have been wrapping Christmas presents all day as we did almost all of our shopping last night. We have about 5 more presents to buy. Our tree is completly overloaded partly because Annie's presents from Santa are already under the tree.

Last night we took Annie to my mom's house and dropped her off. I cried all the way from mom's house to the L&L in Spring Hope. Eric is awesome and so supportive. I'm so glad that he is my husband. It was really sad to leave Annie, but she was great for my mom and was just fine when we got back.

Preparing for tomorrow's adventure

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I am actually kind of excited about taking Annie to my mom's and going Christmas shopping with Eric. Tonight will be the first time Eric and I have been alone since Annie was born. Not that she is really a bother, I mean we get lots of time together when she is asleep, in the car, or just playing by herself.

Annie slept from 9:30 - 3:45, 4:00 - 7:00 last night. Awesome!!

She is so cute these days. Last night while Eric and I were sitting on the couch watching tv she sat in her swing just a cooing, laughing, and talking. It was so adorable!

I had to pump to get her a bottle to take to mom's house to night... yuck, so not for me. It takes forever and I'm just way too impatient. I can't imagine doing that everyday!! I'm in awe of women who do. I read a story on about an woman in the Air Force who pumps on a plane!! It's crazy what women will do for their babies!

I hope she will take the bottle for mom, she's only had one a couple of times. When she was first born we supplemented for 2 days with formula because of her jaundice. She never really took to the bottle. The only recent time was a couple of weeks ago when I went to the dentist and she didn't really take it then either.. So my mom may have a very unhappy baby on her hands if Annie gets hungry.

Annie has been taking a nap for like 2 hours, I suppose I need to wake her up soon. It's just so hard to wake up a sweet little sleeping baby!

Laughing Alarm Clock

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I woke up this morning to the sound of my baby laughing. I don't know any way better to wake up. I just let her lay in her bassinet and giggle and talk while I dozed on and off. Eventually I could hear her sucking on her little hands, usually a good sign that she is hungry.

Last night wasn't the easiest night, she went to bed at 9:30, woke up at 2 and 5. Then she woke up for good at 8. I'm not sure where the six hour stretches that we ususaly get have gone to. I'm chalking it all up to the fact that she is going through a growth spurt. She is already up to over 12 lbs!

She is relaxing in her swing right now, still talking up a storm. She makes a cute little noise that sounds kind of like "yeah, yeah". I'm not really sure what at 14 week old baby's verbal skills are supposed to be like, and I'm really not all that into comparing her to other baby's. At this age development is so varied I don't want to get myself worked up over anything. As long as she is meeting the developmental milestones that really count all is good. I think she is great and that is all that matters.

I'm trying to work out some kind of schedule for us that includes less television. I feel like the tv is on all the time and I'm wasting time watching 1) episodes I've already seen 10 times and 2) show I don't even really like. I take Annie everywhere I go and right now I'm conscious of it being flu season. Since she is too little to get a flu shot the best protection she can have is me protecting her from sick people.

Tomorrow I am leaving Annie with my mom so that Eric and I can go chrsitmas shopping. I am nervous about leaving her. I really haven't left her since she was born other than when I went to the dentist and my mom kept her at the mall - they were in the same parking lot area. So I was only minutes away from her. But, I know I have to leave her at some time. I'm going to be going back to work sooner than later.

The house is in desperate need of cleaning, as I kind of neglected my duties yesterday while I kept Rebecca. I'm planning on cleaning the bathrooms, washing some clothes, and cleaning the kitchen, so I better get a move on.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

This is my first attempt at a blog and I am partially doing it because I read so many other blogs. So here's to jumping on the bandwagon.

We had a great weekend. We had two christmas-y events to go to, a party at my mother-in-law's house and the annual tree trimming get-together at my mom's house. Both were pretty fun, however going to multiple family functions in one day was usually somewhat overwhelming before I had Annie, so now it can be a little much. Nursing makes everything a little bit more difficult, as I periodically have to sneak away for twenty minutes. Sitting in my old bedroom at mom's house where I can hear the conversations but can't join in is an easy way to feel socially isolated.

I was somewhat behaved at my in-laws, I know that it is best to be nice to them and to just deal with the small things they do that annoy me. I never realized how different every family is until I became a part of Eric's family. They just do things so differently sometimes that it just drives me crazy.

On baby milestone news, Annie has started laughing, which has to be the cutest thing I have ever witnessed in my life!!

Tomorrow cousin Rebecca is coming to visit for the day. Hopefully things, including potty training, go smoothly. I'm hoping that it will will be warm and not rainy tomorrow so that we can kill some time/toddler energy and burn some calories. I'm still trying to work on the whole baby weight thing, keeping in mind that it took me 9 months to gain it all.

Well, I'm going to go spend a little more time with my hubby before we head off to bed!