Big Decisions

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad or what. Yesterday I went to a job interview with Edgecombe County Health Department at 2:00. A little before 4 I got a voice mail from the assistant health director telling me that they want to offer me the job!

I wasn't estatcially happy as I thought I might be because I was really upset over the thought of leaving Annie. Annie had been really upset while staying with a friend of ours, Amanda, while I went to the interview. I had the hardest time getting Annie calmed down when I got to her house. She finally fell asleep on the way home and took a nice long nap when we got home. Seeing her so upset just made me really doubt whether I can emotionally handle leaving her every day.

I should be calling the Health Dept back to talk to them about the money/hours/whatnot of the position, but I'm scared to death to do it. It would make it so real. I also need to figure out what I will do with Annie while I'm at work. Plus there is the fact that we still only have one car, so scheduling is an important thing to think about!!!

I'm stressed and scared and weepy and all I really want to do is cuddle my baby and tell her how much I love her.

The only thing that makes me want to take the job is that it is "the job". The position I have been looking for since I graduated college. The job that I said was the only one worth leaving Annie for. I mean I could have gone back to Workplace anytime I wanted, but it just didn't seem worth it.

Now, this job is exactly what I "*think* I want to do with my life. Plus, Eric, Annie and I would finally be a normal two income family! I can't even imagine what having extra money would be like!

So much to think about, but so little time. Cliche, but true.


parkerlynne said...

I know it would hurt to leave her, but think about how many kids grow up just fine in daycare situations and learn better social skills earlier! Having you 24/7 for a whole year is a lot more than a lot of kids get from their parents :)

Crystal said...

I think it is funny that we are on opposite ends of the situation at the moment. I am scared to death of staying at home with two children and not contributing to our income (especially considering I don't have any clue what our finances will look like when we move). Good luck in your decision. I know it is a difficult one. The good thing is that even if you decide to take it and then hate aren't totally stuck. You'll make the right decision for all of you, I am sure.